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Florance Network

2022, 9-10 Mayıs



The Florence Network is one of Europe’s oldest nursing and midwifery networks established in 1995. The Florence Network compromises 40 Universities (Higher Educational Institutions) from 18 European countrie                        .

The Florence Network is a European Higher Education co-operation of Nursing and Midwifery Departments of European Universities with the aim of identifying and developing educational, scientific, practice and pedagogical commonalities. The Florence Network, while respecting existing variations of ideologies, strategies and visions of Nursing and Midwifery education across Europe, nonetheless, the Florence Network strives to identify commonalities, to enable convergences and to promote mobility between Countries and Institutions as required by European educational treaties.

The objective of the Florence Network is to develop and improve the quality of European higher education in nursing and midwifery by means of international co-operation in the field of education, scientific research and development. In this way the Network aspires to improve the image of the Nursing and Midwifery professions and to improve the quality of European health care.

The main goals of the Florence Network are:

  • To raise the profile of European Nursing and Midwifery
  • To stimulate and organise the exchange of students between Florence Network members
  • To stimulate and organise the exchange of lecturers between Florence Network members
  • To contribute to the quality development of curricula in European Nursing & Midwifery Education
  • To identify common nursing and midwifery research interests and develop research collaboration
  • To develop and organise common projects, and intensive Nursing and Midwifery programmes and/ or activities within ERASMUS+ and other programmes


The Florence Network welcomes Nursing and Midwifery schools from all European countries, is democratically structured and is inclusive of both faculty and students.




Ege Üniversitesi